4 fun things to do as a (stay-at-home daughter) SHD!


Being a stay-at-home daughter (with money) is the ultimate dream for a lot of us but sadly we need to go be slaves! Crying….

Fun as it may (can never be me) it can still get boring to just stay at home and do the same things over and over again. So I decided to share 4 new cool ways to add to the joblessness. we are supportive around here!

Intensive pamper day

You don’t have to break the bank doing this, simply do a few DIY recipes on your body and face. Refer back to our Skinbyberyl DIY class to find recipes to do at home. Why I call this intensive because it’s a head-to-toe self-care day. From hair care all the way to a DIY pedicure. With the right motivation and recipes, this will literally take the whole day. 

Sister Sister

This is for all the ladies that have sisters, create a group with your sister or sisters and plan a movie night or if the joblessness is really all out to play. Then make a whole day of just watching old rom-coms and eating. Doesn’t have to be expensive, you can even cook together. Make it a day of bonding!

Paint and sip

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